Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hey Darkside...Get Your Feet Off the Car.

Most people would probably be in agreement (should you happen to ask them) that commercials with annoying jingles are a creation of the devil. That, in fact, they are an incarnation of pure evil that get ridiculous tunes stuck inside someone's brain playing on an endless loop until that person is driven to commit unspeakable crimes against humanity. Of course thats just one opinion. That may or may not be ours.

Having said that, there are those few-and-far-between occurrences of the powers of a jingle being used for good and (dare we even speak it?) being somewhat funny. A recent State Farm television ad provides a welcome example.

Three women that are just, one assumes, hanging out and doing things that women do walk back out to the parking lot to find a garish dent in one of their vehicles. Normally one would panic in this situation, but luckily the owner of the car has a good head on her shoulders and takes the prudent action of magically summoning her State Farm agent right to the spot.

What does she use to do this? Why, the State Farm jingle. Duh. Amazed, her companions follow suit, with a bit more specificity, and a hot guy with a rescue bunny and a dark past appears to...look pretty while sitting on the car. I'm sure that helped save the day somehow.

Its a good thing State Farm guy wasn't taking a shower when this happened, isn't it? Ad is posted below.


  1. Hmmm...I suppose that makes sense if they're teleporting around all superhuman-y. They're probably robots.
